Wall's Wall

Monday, February 26, 2007

Lightening in the Sky

I just got off the phone from our soldier, and he was in an amazing mood. He said he spent the day in classes learning about Iraqis and their culture. I expected him to say it was really boring (he's not one for lectures and classes), but he loved it. There's so much to learn about the people that the media does not portray. He was sitting outside when he called, waiting on his laundry to get done, and a ways away he could hear artillery fire. A Canadian unit was training their soldiers and setting off major weaponry. I could hear it in the background, pretty impressive sounding! Every so often , he said, the sky would light up in a big dome of light, kind of like when you see heat lightening in the summer.

It looks like he's having a great time, so far (unfortunately for us) he doesn't seem to be too homesick. Let's hope for his sake that his attitude stays this positive!

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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Video from Send-off

Here is the video I mentioned yesterday. Click on THIS link and your media player will popup and will play automatically. See if you can spot Jordan's mom in the background!


Jordan's Address

Hey, I have Jordan's address, but I don't want to just post it online for everyone to see. If you want it, email me at haley@onlyinternet.net.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Article about D-day and Fort Bliss

Here's an article from a Fort Wayne paper about the 384ths deployment.

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Jordan is safe!

He called me tonight to let me know that he got to Texas safe! He'll be there for about 3 months for rough and tough training. Pray that his officers give him the information that he needs and that he will be able to perform his tasks. He has his address, but I did not have a pen when he called, so he's going to email me tomorrow or Sunday. I'll post it as soon as I find out!


Deployment Ceremony Video

Here's a link to the news feed that ran Thursday night. This was the official goodbye ceremony, I'll post a link to the videos taken today at the send-off as soon as its up! I don't think Jordan is in this one, I'm not sure about the one from today.

Click on the video link at the top of the article...

Friday, February 16, 2007


As most of you know, Jordan's getting ready to leave a week from today. This blog is going to be a way for everyone to look for periodic updates on his status. I'm sure he'll try to email who he can, but this way everyone can see how he's doing. Feel free to post comments and notes and I'll make sure to include them in any letters or emails I send!
