Lightening in the Sky
I just got off the phone from our soldier, and he was in an amazing mood. He said he spent the day in classes learning about Iraqis and their culture. I expected him to say it was really boring (he's not one for lectures and classes), but he loved it. There's so much to learn about the people that the media does not portray. He was sitting outside when he called, waiting on his laundry to get done, and a ways away he could hear artillery fire. A Canadian unit was training their soldiers and setting off major weaponry. I could hear it in the background, pretty impressive sounding! Every so often , he said, the sky would light up in a big dome of light, kind of like when you see heat lightening in the summer.
It looks like he's having a great time, so far (unfortunately for us) he doesn't seem to be too homesick. Let's hope for his sake that his attitude stays this positive!