Well, he's gone. I just returned from the airport. Do you have any idea how hard it is to watch soldiers cry? Not just Jordan either, some of the biggest, most intimidating men ever were red faced and teary. Sure makes it hard for a emotional gal like me to not bawl her eyes out.
Jordan had a magnificent time these past few days. "Glorious," to use his word. It was hard to see everyone he wanted to, and if he missed you, he's probably pretty upset about it. It was rough, being pulled in 50 different directions, when all you want to do is relax. Imagine working harder than you've ever worked before, away from home, and not hardly being able to sit down on your vacation. It was rough on him, but he was definitely not ready to leave home. "It needed to be about 13 months longer!" as he told Burrows (one of his best buddies) today. Still, he'll be home between 90 days and 6 months for 2 whole weeks, which he is pretty dang excited about.
One thing I must mention: I try to be as careful as possible not to give specifics on here. Where they are going, what they are doing, etc etc. This will become even more crucial once they leave for overseas in a few days. I cannot tell you where he is going, at least not yet, so please don't ask. Once we get his address, I can release that to you, but I won't post it on here, if you want it, email me, let me know who you are and how you know Jordan. He definitely wants mail, but I can't just give it out to Bob in California who may or may not know Jordan. I'll give you as detailed information as I can about how Jordan is doing, but more than likely it will just be how he is feeling, not his activities. Chances are even I won't even know what he is doing on a daily basis. We have to be extremely careful about what he tells me, the Army does censor our conversations. Our phone calls can be cut off at any moment, our letters torn to shreds, our emails deleted, if he reveals something he shouldn't. I have to take the same precautions, on here, in my emails, even talking to you personally. If the wrong person were to get a hold of the information, it could mean big trouble to the soldiers. One innocent blog may not seem harmful, but the "bad guys" can look at many blogs and start putting the pieces together. Don't get angry if you ask me something, and I change the subject or just don't answer you. I'm not withholding information just for the heck of it, or because I don't like you. I'm doing it to protect our soldier, and the other soldiers in his unit.
I know most of us are pretty upset that he's gonna be gone for so long, so in order to cheer you up, I decided to post a picture that is so terrifically Jordan that you can't help but roll your eyes and laugh hysterically. We were in my room watching TV in our pjs, and he wanted to go downstairs for some water. I told him to put some real clothes on, so he didn't freak out my roommates. I looked up, and this was what I saw:
Guess that will teach me not to leave my laundry laying around.
Labels: Battle Buddies, Leave, Morale, Pictures, Pre-deployment